AusBiotech is a national body of companies and individuals dedicated to the development and prosperity of the Australian biotechnology industry. Ausbiotech wants to promote Australian Biotech capabilities in the United States to attract investment. Top executives from Australian Biotech were exhibiting at BIO, the international Biotech conference with many other countries promoting their own Biotech capabilities. AusBiotech needed a way to position and highlight their brand compared to others at the conference.
Reverberate! used current healthcare news and trends to highlight the leadership position of the Australian Biotech in certain areas, e.g. posing the question, “Is U.S. Biotech losing its edge to Australia?” and discussing the “rebirth of stem cell research”.
Reverberate! set up 10-15 interviews with top AusBiotech executives and news media from top-tier publications (e.g. Financial Times, Bloomberg, Chicago Tribune, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, UPI) and Biotech trade publications (e.g. BioWorld, Nature Biotechnology, Scientific American, etc.), leading to positive widespread media coverage of Australia’s capabilities in Biotech.
American Cancer Society
Kicking off with a survey amond the LGBT community, Reverberate! demonstrated the low awareness of cancer and to establish a connection to the community. Reverberate! took the signature ACS event, Relay for Life, and helf the first one ever specifically for the LGBT community in New York City. Additionally, they held local kickofff events and fundraisers.
The survey results generated local and national press coverage additionally, Reverberate! announced the Relay for Life event, generating even more coverage. On social media, Reverberate! created videos of LGBT cancer survivors and sent them to influential bloggers in the community. Additionally, Reverberate! was able to extend the reach of the media coverage by asking these influentials to repost and share.